<b>History:</> Originally springing from ancient mastiff stock, possibly even the Greek Molossus, the Dogue de Bordeaux has had many uses over his long history. The breed has served as war dog, and flock guardian, and as a combatant in dog gladiator sports where he was pitted against bulls, bears and other dogs. At the end of the Middle Ages, he became a cattle drover and personal bodyguard. During the French Revolution, many dogs who tried to defend their noble masters' estates were killed. Luckily, enough interest remained in the breed to guarantee its continued existence. Raymond Triquet and his French Dogue de Bordeaux Club saved the breed. The Dogue de Bordeaux is now thoroughly established in France and gaining popularity in other countries. There are currently around 3000 Bordeaux in the United States. The breed is recognized by the FCI, but is not yet recognized by the AKC. Despite his fearsome appearance, the Dogue de Bordeaux is gentle with children and family members.
<b>Description:</> The Dogue de Bordeaux is a short, stocky mastiff with a huge, heavy, broad, wrinkled head. The head is a very important feature when evaluating this breed. Top quality show males may have a head circumference of 27-30 inches. The jaw is undershot and powerful. The Dogue should always have a black or red mask that can be distinguished from the rest of the coat around and under the nose and including the lips and eye rims. The nostrils are open wide. The muzzle should be at most 1/3 the total length of the head. The upper lips hang thickly down over the lower jaw. The skin on the neck is loose, forming a noticeable dewlap. In general, the skin is thick. The ears hang down. The body is thickset with a short straight topline and a gently rounded croup. The front legs should be straight and heavy-boned. The straight tail begins thickly at the base and then tapers to a point. It should not reach lower than the hocks. The short soft coat comes in shades of fawn to mahogany with a black or red mask. White markings are allowed on the tips of the toes and on the chest, but white on any other part of the body is a fault.
<b>Notes:</> The Dogue de Bordeaux is not an easy dog to breed. Litters are generally small. Cesarean sections are often needed at birth because of the puppies' extremely large heads. The dams are so broad chested that they lie down on their stomachs to nurse their pups, sometimes squashing them. Breeders must watch out vigilantly for the pups or some will probably be lost! Females can be very protective of their puppies. The Dogue de Bordeaux drools and snores. Males will not tolerate other males. At the time of this printing, a Dogue de Bordeaux puppy costs approximately $1200-$2000.
<b>Personality:</> Breeders have softened the temperament of this dog quite a bit from his original ferocity. Today he is extremely loyal, patient and devoted to his family. Fearless and confrontive with strangers. Can be very aggressive with other dogs. Socialize very well with other animals from an early age.
<C>Children:</C> Good only when raised with children from puppyhood.
<C>Friendliness:</C> Very wary of strangers; highly protective.
<C>Trainability:</C> Slightly difficult to train.
<C>Independence:</C> Moderately dependent on people.
<C>Dominance:</C> Very high.
<C>Other Pets:</C> Good with other pets if raised with them from puppyhood.
<C>Combativeness:</C> Very dog-aggressive.
<C>Noise:</C> Average barker.
<b>Grooming and Physical Needs:</>
<C>Grooming:</C> Very little grooming needed.
<C>Trimming & Stripping:</C> No trimming or stripping needed.
<C>Coat:</C> Short coat.
<C>Shedding:</C> Average shedder.
<C>Exercise:</C> Needs lots of exercise.
<C>Jogging:</C> A fair jogging companion.
<C>Indoors:</C> Very inactive indoors.
<C>Apartments:</C> Will be OK in an apartment if sufficiently exercised.
<C>Outdoor Space:</C> Does all right without a yard.
<C>Climate:</C> Prefers cool climates.
<C>Owner:</C> Not recommended for novice owners.
<C>Longevity:</C> Average (10 to 12 years).
<b>Talents:</> watchdog, guarding, police work, carting, and weight pulling.
<b>For More Information:</>
Dogue de Bordeaux Association, P.O. Box 436, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
Dogue de Bordeaux Society, Inc. 16A Spring St. Somerville, MA 02143 borde53835@aol.com
<b>Photo Caption:</> DOGUE DE BORDEAUX
Tiger Guard's Clair de Lune. Owned and photographed by Tim Pounsberry.